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For many years now we have run a scheme involving members to generate breeding of Rare and Difficult Species.

We are conscious that we need to reconcile our objectives with regards to the species in our mandate. In order for members who have been committed for some years to take part in a rebirth of this group and any members wishing to participate in the future we are going to meet together after the council meeting at Cheswick green.  On Sunday 23rd of August 2015 at  14.00 hrs.

 Any paid up member is also welcome to attend the council meeting first.

For further details please contact Percy Holland, 01732868339.

Rare and Difficult Species Plus

This scheme was set up some thirteen years ago with the intention of maintaining strains of Australian grassfinches and parrot finches within our mandate, recognising that these birds unless bred would disappear from our aviaries, sadly it is happening at this very time.

We aim to maintain species in captivity, which will represent their wild counterparts as closely as possible.   We started with the intention of concentrating on species which were difficult to keep or breed by using the joint expertise and knowledge of those members who had experience of succeeding where many of us had failed.  However it was realised for the scheme to be successful it had to include all the birds in our mandate because ALL birds are in jeopardy.

 To be a member of the RADS Plus group could not be easier because it is open to any member of the AFS and to join all you need to do is to ring the co-ordinator (whose name can be found in the Society’s magazine, The Grassfinch.)

Today with our birds becoming scarcer due to a number of factors, but not all due to difficulties in breeding, some species in our mandate are becoming increasingly difficult to obtain and without urgent action they will be lost forever.  In many cases these were species, which were easy to breed, but due to this fact they became difficult to sell or pass on and hence became unpopular.  Others of course were difficult to breed and sadly not enough breeders became sufficiently proficient at breeding to establish good viable groups.

Details of the RADS scheme will appear at regular intervals in the AFS magazine to keep all members informed of our progress.

These are our current Co-ordinators:



Contact Details

RADS+  Co-ordinator

Percy Holland

01732 868339


Ian Mercer

07872 054959

Cherry Finch

Keith Bailey

01530 812690

Crimson Finch

Painted Finch


Diamond Firetail



Gouldians (South)

Eric Jones


Gouldians  (North)

Dudley  Martin

01484 680883

Hecks Grassfinch

Ian Mercer

07872 054959

Masked Grassfinch

Keith Goldsack

07765 333895

Painted Finch

Painted Finch


Parson Finch

Jerry Fisher

01803 528561


Jerry Fisher

01803 528561

Pintail Parrot Finch

Keith Goldsack

07765 333895

Sydney Waxbill

John Richards

01579 344720

Timor Zebra Finch

Jerry Fisher

01803 528561

Please use discretion when you choose to ring a co-ordinator, some are only available at weekends and most prefer an evening call early in the evening and NOT after nine oclock.

Diamond firetail Gouldian Firetail Blue faced parrot finch Red Browed finch Pintailed parrot finch Cherry finch